Codie Posts

The Waste of the “Mukbang Culture”

The Waste of the “Mukbang Culture”

In recent years there’s been a rise in videos stemming from the idea of what’s called a “Mukbang” where YouTubers will eat large amounts of food that tend to not be the healthiest options. This concept originated from Asian culture where people would sit together and share food which created a moment of bonding and feeling of family. However, the tradition has been changed to more of a binge challenge that YouTubers actually have been able to turn into profit.

This type of culture has turned many people to unhealthy eating habits as well as food waste. People in the videos consume food that tends to be processed foods and at large amounts that are way past what a person needs to consume to be healthy. This leads to binge eating, gaining weight, and wasting food. What people don’t realize is unhealthy habits lead to more resources wasted toward health issues that can be avoided and over consumption that continues to cause problems for the environment. Food waste still continues to be a large contributing factor towards land fills though many cities/private companies have become innovative in reducing its impact.

Now I’m not against people making a living for themselves or the idea of sharing food with families and friends sitting for a meal together, I just think we need to be more mindful of the consequences that are faced not only by the people doing them but for the environment in general. For more discussions on environmental topics don’t forget to check out my other links down below so you can live each and everyday by Codegreen!


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Why I Hate Balloons

Why I Hate Balloons

Since I was a child, balloons had always been a staple of parties, trips to Six Flags, and even visits to the hospital with the classic “get well soon” line. However, as I’ve gotten older I’ve grown to hate them because they’re a good example of entitled waste for the environment. Now I’m not trying to guilt anyone who has ever had a balloon in their life because most of us have, but the time has come to slowly get rid of the atrocity.

Why must balloons go? Well for starters balloons a short term product of happiness that we don’t need to survive. Most products that are current society produces we don’t really need and has led to higher amounts of consumption then the earth could handle. However, most those products once we are done with them can be given to a thrift shop, sold, or donated in some way to some one else for them to use. Balloons don’t fall into this category because they will only last a couple days out most until they have popped  and are forgotten by those in society.

As well, recently their is a shortage on helium in the world that has actually caused party city to close down many stores do to their reliance on balloons for revenue. I myself never thought about the supply of helium in the world but clearly there is not enough for balloons to actually be a sustainable product for revenue. Poor Party City;(

Finally, balloons are such a huge waste that cannot be reused once they have finished their purpose. A current article emerged recently stating how much balloon waste was found in the Great Lakes and now threatens wildlife in the area. Is all the waste worth it for two seconds of happiness while partying? Can we enjoy a party without balloons? I say yes we can even as tempting as Disney’s classic mickey balloons are (and trust me they are).

Let’s work together to try to reduce the waste around us even if it means giving up some of the things  the seem normal to a party routine. Check out my links down below to learn more about how you can live each and everyday by Codegreen!


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Environmental Solutions Not a One Size Fits All Product

Environmental Solutions Not a One Size Fits All Product

So recently I got into an argument with a random older person on the internet (as most people in this politically charged era do) about handkerchiefs causing more chemicals to go into the ocean. I’m not going to go into any details about the discussion itself because it’s honestly not worth the time it would take to type it but rather focus on the idea of environmental solutions. Now these solutions usually involve someone whose trying to make a difference because they care about the world around them which is of course awesome. That is the reason why I created this website and “CodenameGreen” in general because I wanted to help offer and find options for those who are looking to become more eco-friendly in their lives. However, as you’ve probably noticed, solutions tend to be flawed in some form or another due to no solution being able to fit every single person’s situation. I’ve thrown out ideas or have made videos talking about different subjects with things that people can do to change their habits and make the world a little greener. I know I have successfully been able to reduce my personal waste by implementing green habits that I’ve mentioned on my social media but I do recognize that not everything I do is going to work for everyone.


Why would it not work for everyone? Because we’re all different with diverse living situations, different living spaces, physical climates, and more (I could go on). Now, most people agreed that using a handkerchief rather then just buying tissues overtime is an easy way to reduce waste while also saving some change in your pocket but it may not be the solution for everyone and that’s okay. Pointing out flaws in solutions is also okay and can be very beneficial in helping to constantly mold and find the best solutions for environmental issues we face today. I do recommend though that if you’re going to argue against something that you fully explain your stance and possibly bring some facts to the table as well (rather then just call people names). Environmental solutions aren’t a one size fits all product, but we can continue to work together to improve efficiency and find options for all people. Thank you guys for reading and check  out my other media links down below to learn more on how you can live each everyday by Codegreen!


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Save a Buck Save the Environment

When talking about environmental issues , economics is always brought up as it’s counterpart. Many people believe that these two subjects tend to work against each other and that one must be chosen over the other. Though this may be accurate in describing situations that involve oil drilling, there are so many ways for people to choose not only to save or make money but also be green for the natural environment.

As I’ve mentioned before, if you’re looking to save money while you’re shopping for groceries, please bring your own bags with you. Most grocery stores will give you a discount just for not having to use their own bags to bag all the vegetables and ice cream you have in your cart. For some you’ll even save 10 cents per bag you bring so basically it’s a free coupon for just putting in minimal effort with your grocery habits.

So everyone has their guilty pleasures…mine happens to be a triple mocha Frapp delicious drink from the local Starbucks chain. This drink can cost me a couple bucks, however, if I bring in my own reusable cup I get 10 cents off my drink. For those who are frequent visitors of the establishment you know saving even 10 cents can be a big game changer overtime and all you have to do is make the decision to bring your own fancy cup with you.

Now if you’re looking to make money off of used items there’s a couple different options to choose from. I know people who reuse trash by making it into items to sell whether it’s wine bottle lamps or even metal sculptures from recycled steel there’s a lot to work with. However, if you’re anything like me and just don’t feel like being that creative by the time the day ends there are cities who will pay you for giving them certain items from your trash bin. I read a story about a young kid who made $30,000 a year because he took all his neighbors recycling and sold it back to his city. A little dedication that your neighbors lack could mean more money towards that next trip to Disneyland or savings account.

At the end of the day the biggest general term to take from this is “effort” due to me literally typing it several times. If you’re willing to put in that two seconds of thought everyday, not only will you make an impact for your wallet but also protect your local and international water creatures from facing more plastic pollution. I do believe that the environment and economic categories can actually be best friends rather than enemies if we can adapt this mindset. LETS GO WORLD! Check out my other links down below to learn more about how you can live each and everyday by Codegreen!


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Giving Love to My Indoor Plants

Giving Love to My Indoor Plants

So recently there’s been a new trend (that is bringing brought back from the grave) of having real plants inside homes. Yes, I do mean real plants. For the longest time there was a movement of people having fake plants made of plastic in their homes and I hated them. I hated how fake they looked and to me they’re a waste of material. From what I’ve been told people were buying the plastic posers because of the fear of not being able to take care of the real thing. I understand personally the frustration of buying a plant only for it to be marked with death from your touch but I encourage anyone to have living plants in their home. I know the plastic sometimes looks halfway decent but fake plants will never be able to give you the benefits of cleaning indoor air pollution in your home, helping with smell, and over all better look towards your decorating style. Overtime I’ve also learned more about plant maintenance which is an important skill to have when wanting to do future gardening and landscaping. Overall, I’m thankful for my plants and the joy they bring to me in my home. Check out the blog soon for new content and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel on YouTube so you can watch more videos on how to live each and everyday by Codegreen!


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