Codie Posts

Having a Green Thanksgiving

It’s turkey lurkey time, which means that not only a ridiculous number of calories will be consumed in are bellies (no regrets) but a lot of grease will be utilized to cook scrumptious food. This grease can lead to not only more environmental waste, but can also clog up your pipes, which leads to a scheduled visit from your local plumber (and no one needs to be traumatized by a plumber’s crack this holiday season).  To help protect your pipes, the environment, and eyes from trauma, DFW participates in a program called “Cease the Grease” where students will take your cooking grease and transform it into biofuel. All you must do is take the grease to one of the designated drop off locations closest to you and poor working students will do the rest. Why worry about pipes and waste when you can spend your time gaining weight instead? Codegreeners enjoy being mean green eating turkey machines and check out my other media links down below to find out more ways on how you can live each and everyday by Codegreen.

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Be a Halloween Green Queen

The time of princesses, witches, and pirates is upon us and I couldn’t be more excited. Though it’s my favorite time of the season, it’s also one of the most notorious holidays for creating waste, so here are some tips for turning your Halloween green. Pumpkins are a great decoration that then can be transformed into nutritious compost for your plants and baking pumpkin seeds has always been a beloved delicious pastime of mine. Missed your chance to dress up as Wonder Woman or Elsa? No problem! Check out your local thrift store before buying a new costume because that’s where the ghosts of costumes past go. Everyone loves a good retro look, so you can be green while looking like a queen. Trying to watch your diet? Skip the candy, it’s unhealthy and causes non-recyclable trash anyway. Not only will you be dressed as a super hero, but you will be the real-life Superman for wildlife and your figure. Remember to keep your Halloween fun, scary, and green. Check out my links down below for more ways on how you can live each and every day by Codegreen!


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Free Sprinkler Evaluation (Through Your City)

Free Sprinkler Evaluation (Through Your City)

Water conservation is a hot topic in the environmental world and there are several discussions that will continue to occur as we head into the future. However, today I wanted to talk about an opportunity people can utilize to not only conserve water but to keep water bills consistently low. One of the biggest uses of water for people with yards is irrigation. This not only leads to possibilities towards wasting large amounts of water but also to an unwanted higher water bill. Recently, we discovered that are water bill had tripled this past month and even called the city to find out whether or not the water meter had mistakenly given us a higher reading. After the city found that the meter was accurate, we utilized the opportunity to receive a free sprinkler evaluation that is offered on my cities website.

I’m beyond thankful we did because we found that part of the sprinkler system for the house that we’re renting had become corroded and was wasting large amounts of water while also not watering half the lawn (the explanation for the water bill tripling). If we hadn’t participated in the free evaluation we would’ve continued not only wasting water but continued to be angry about a very high water bill that no one wants to pay. I suggest everyone to check their cities website to see if they offer a free sprinkler evaluation and highly recommend utilizing the opportunity. Even if you believe your sprinkler system is working great it’s always nice to have your system double checked to not only know that you’re doing the best towards conserving water but also keeping your water bill as low as possible for some nice savings. Check out my media links down below to find out more ways on how you can live each and everyday by Codegreen and I hope to see you guys next time!


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New Water Meter Technology (Every City Should have)

Recently, more cities in the United States have been investing in techniques to support water conservation and a better relationship between utility departments and their customers. One of these investments involves installing advanced water meters that completely change how residents can see their water usage. These water meters allow users to track their water usage and more specifically, see what items are using the most water.

Now, I’ve seen this type of technology towards energy conservation available at local stores like Home Depot where people can study not only how much energy they’re consuming, but also what appliances are using the highest. This is such an important step towards protecting the environment as well as finding progressive solutions that conserve natural resources, so of course I’m excited to know that this type of forward thinking is being applied to the most important resource in the world.

The city I live in came by and installed new water meters, however, they aren’t this amazing new technology that actually allows you to track your water usage, so please let us speak up and demand that are cities make better investments towards initiatives that will make a large difference in water conservation! If your city already has these meters in your area, make sure you sign up for any apps or any media being implemented to track your water usage. This technology won’t only help educate users on the amount of water they’re consuming, but also help cities move towards a sustainable future. Check out my other media links down below to talk about more solutions to live each and every day by Codegreen!

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Reading the Green Way

Reading the Green Way

I love reading like I LOVE reading. Recently, I’ve been reading different books ranging from “Dare to Lead” by Brene Brown to the Kitten Lady’s “Tiny but Mighty”. However, as much as I love the fresh smell of a brand new book, it’s not always the most eco-friendly option for being a green reader. There are some options though that we as book lovers can follow to be mean green reading machines.

Audio books are a perfect example of how many people are utilizing technology to reduce their carbon footprint while also enjoying a great read. Many books can be instantly downloaded to your computer, notebook, ipad, or most other accessible technology. However, I know from personal experience that sometimes there is nothing more special than having a physical copy of reading material to have a magical reading adventure. In this case, first look to your local library for the book you’re looking for. Most libraries in my area have updated physical copies for a variety of reading, but if the local library in your area doesn’t have what you’re looking for, there are still opportunities to be a green reader.

Stores such as Half Priced Books sell used books (as well as buy books from readers looking to make some cash back after their done reading). There are also online stores such as  that readers can also buy and sell used books to other fellow green readers. So with all the options available to readers, let’s make sure we make green choices everyday, even when it comes to the favorite past time of absorbing written words. Check out my links at the bottom to find more ways how you can live each and everyday by Codegreen!


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